We are happy you want to join us!
You may have some questions like . . .
Will I feel comfortable?
We care about warmly welcoming you! Among other steps, we: provide hearing aids for your time with us, use microphones so all can hear, have various bathrooms available, have large-print bulletins.
What should I wear?
We request that you dress for comfort. You may find people at First Friends dressed in jeans, t-shirts, sweatpants, skirts, dresses, etc.
Are children welcome?
Absolutely! During the school year, we offer First Day School (Quaker Sunday School) for our youth. Children and youth are also welcome to remain with their parents for the service at any time. During the summer months, we take a break from First Day School while still having lots of opportunities for fellowship (fellowship is wholesome fun—celebrating that of God in one another) and nurturing!
What can I expect at First Friends’ service?
Here is a sample Order of Worship from our Bulletin:
Prelude Music (often Simple Gifts)
Query (questions we ask to deepen our experiences)
Joys & Concerns
Special Music: Choir or Instrumental (we are glad to welcome many musically-gifted friends)
Offertory Prayer
Open Worship
Children’s Message (children join us & share what they’ve been up to)
Introductions & Announcements
Benediction (we sing a blessing prayer written for us by Charlie Adams before we end service)
What is Open Worship?
Through prayerful silence, Open Worship is a time of communion, in which our souls are fed by the Living Bread.
Anyone who feels led by the Holy Spirit may speak, pray, or sing a message for all of us. If you speak, please un-mute on Zoom, or stand and wait for an usher to bring a microphone at the Meetinghouse, so that everyone can hear your message.
* Friends hold that the experience of God is paramount in spiritual growth. As such, in worship, we welcome a diversity of language & images used to describe God. We encourage you to use the language & images that enhance your experience of the Divine. ~ Life & Worship Team
What if my questions haven’t been answered?
Please reach out to us with the “Contact Us” link above.
How does Quaker Meeting compare to other Christian services? Quaker author Ben Pink Dandelion explores this question. Quaker Speak is a weekly video series.